Dante Gigli Covalzoni
"Someone is inventing anxious spaces and surfaces of reflections in us, launching us like rats into labyrinths of dopamine hints and thought experiments that happen without our knowledge, every second creating thousands of variations of how soon and in which direction your brush will move, what hieroglyph will come out from under it and what it will mean for your fate at that moment when something is about to overtake you and pinch your tail... Who is inventing your dreams? Is it with him that you go to bed or does he come later, when sleep covers you completely and you are free in your flight. Fly!" © Dante Gigli Covalzoni
A native of Alessandria, Piedmont, Italy, he is a mystic photographer, a student of Umberto Eco, a follower of black romanticism, inherited from Edgar Poe, Gustav Meyrink, Leo Perutz.